Monday 5 December 2011

Part 3 - OMFG.

All of us girls were so extremely happy.
Leesh, Jayde and Hawa.
My sister, Hawa's mother, Hawa, Leesh, Jayde and I, walked out of the airport after getting our stuff and went to catch a cab.
We all ended up at the hotel and all of us were ready to meet Smoby-dick. We got the key to our room and went inside, we braced ourselves for the tears. We opened the door and we all cried and hugged eachother. We looked at eachother, poked eachother, made sure we weren't dreaming.
We sat down, and we put our stuff in drawers. I took out my laptop and went on facebook.
I'm FINALLY with my girls! This is the happiest day of my life.
We were all crouded around the computer then, the door slammed open. "Hey, hey, biches." We all screamed. It was Luna.
We tossed the computer across the bed and ran to hug Luna. We all threw out arms around her shouted for joy. My eyeliner was all over my face by now. All these girls were prettier in person.
The day passed, and we talked all day. My sister put everything away, and played Minecraft.
Luna took her own laptop out, and we tinychatted on both with the girls that couldn't be here like Bella and Alex.
At about four o'clock, all of us decided to go explore the hotel. We went down to the lobby. We all crammed into the elevator. When we got to the end, the doors opened. There was Doodle and Lauren standing in front of me. We all screamed and ran towards them. They got frightened, then threw their arms around us, too. "Do we have to wait for anyone else?" Doodle asked. I thought...
Luna... check. Jayde... check. Corine... check. Lauren... check. Doodle... check. Hawa... check. Leesh... check! Everyone's here! We all piled in the elevator again and we they got settled in.
We went downstairs, and we found out there was a swimming pool.
"Foop yeah!" Corine said with her accent. I high fived her.
We got food, making sure we didn't eat too much, since we were on a supply of money.
The time passed talking about our journey here, and how we're glad we were together.
It was time for bed, and we all got ready. Tomorrow was the first day of Vidcon. Couldn't wait. The chaperones got the three beds, while we got the floor. We just supplied ourselves with pillows. We all laid in a little corner to be comfortable, and we went on the internet on everyone's iPhones and iPods.
I dozed off at about two AM, because I was sleeping on the floor. I woke up and checked my phone, it was four AM. I looked at all the girls, they were sleeping. It was awesome how I was finally with the people that have saved my life.
I quickly fell asleep, I have a big day tomorrow.

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